Amount to transfer
Currency id of amount, e.g. 'EUR'
Transaction id
Data will be returned unchanged
Custom data will be returned unchanged. If no data was submitted, this field will be null
Object type, in this case a xs2a_payment
Payment status of the transaction, values NONE, RECEIVED, LOSS
Purpose of transfer
Name of the recipient bank
BIC of the recipient account
Two letter country code id, e.g. AT, CH, DE or the recipient account
Account holder of the recipient account
IBAN of the recipient account
Name of the sender bank
BIC of the sender account
Two letter country code id, e.g. AT, CH, DE or the sender account
Account holder of the sender account
IBAN of the sender account
Indicates whether or not it is a test transaction
Internal XS2A transaction id. This id will be the same for the whole transaction
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